According to the GAO report, federal real property is a high-risk area for several reasons:
- Several agencies have long-standing excess and underutilized real property, deteriorating facilities, unreliable real property data, and costly space challenges
- Real property mismanagement has multi-billion dollar cost implications and can jeopardize mission accomplishment
- Federal agencies face challenges securing real property due to the threat of terrorism. asdf
Recommended Solutions
GAO's report recommends the following:
Develop a comprehensive and integrated real property transformation strategy that:
- Identifies how best to realign and rationalize federal real property and dispose of unneeded assets
- Addresses significant real property repair and restoration needs
- Develops reliable, useful real property data
- Resolve the problem of heavy reliance on costly leasing
- Minimizes the impact of terrorism on real property
- Assemble an independent commission or task force to develop the real property transformation strategy and enact legislative action to address long-standing challenges
Real Property Initiatives to Address GAO Recommendations
Executive Order 13327 is one effort currently underway to successfully address some of GAO's recommendations. The Order establishes a Federal Real Property Council (FRPC) in the Office of Management and Budget. The Council of Senior Real Property Officers are developing guidance for and working with landholding agencies to prepare and implement asset management plans.