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OREA Guidelines for Access to Public Records

  • The Office of Real Estate Appraisers ("Office") will provide to any requesting person or agency timely access to all records not specifically exempt from disclosure or release under the provisions of the Public Records Act (Gov. Code, section 6254 et seq.) or that are otherwise not exempt from disclosure or release under state or federal law. The Office may refuse to disclose records that are exempt from disclosure.
  • Records are available for inspection upon reasonable notice during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at:

    1102 Q Street, Suite 4100
    Sacramento, CA 95811
    (916) 440-7876

  • In order to preserve the integrity of the requested records against theft, mutilation, or accidental damage, and to insure that requests for public inspection do not interfere with the orderly functions of the Office, any person requesting to inspect or obtain copies of public records must comply with the following guidelines:
    1. Requests for non-confidential information may be made in writing to the address above. They may also be made via fax or email, or orally by telephone or personal communication. The Office encourages written requests;
    2. Requests shall include a concise statement specifically describing the records sought and, if known, the form in which the records are maintained whether in electronic of other format. If a request is not specific, staff of the Office shall assist requestors in identifying the information requested and the format in which such information is maintained by the Office;
    3. Office functions shall not be suspended to permit, nor shall public records be made available for, inspection during periods when use of such records is reasonably required by Office personnel in the performance of their duties;
    4. Records may only be reviewed under the supervision of Office staff. Records will not be provided for inspection outside the Office.
  • The Office may, in the discretion of the Director, charge any person of agency requesting inspection of records a reasonable fee for retrieval of records stored or maintained outside the Office. The fee shall not exceed the cost incurred by the Office in retrieving the requested information.
  • Copies of requested information will be provided upon prepayment of copying costs of $.10 per page.
  • A copy of these guidelines shall be posted in a conspicuous place open to the public within the Office, and a copy shall be made available free of charge to any person requesting such.

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