A mother's voice will preferentially activate the parts of the brain responsible for language learning, say researchers from the University of Montreal and the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Research Centre. The research team made the discovery after performing electrical recordings on the infants within the 24 hours following their birth.
The brain signals also revealed that while the infants did react to other women's voices, these sounds only activated the voice recognition parts of the brains. "This is exciting research that proves for the first time that the newborn's brain responds strongly to the mother's voice and shows, scientifically speaking, that the mother's voice is special to babies," said lead researcher Dr. Maryse Lassonde of the University of Montreal's Department of Psychology and the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Research Centre.
Mom's Voice Plays Special Role in triggering Newborn's Brain
Study: Long Ring Finger in Men Linked to Cancer Risk

The British Journal of Cancer said that researchers studied the ratio between the 2nd and 4th finger of the right hand in 1,524 prostate-cancer patients and 3,044 fit people over 15 years. Men with longer index fingers were 33 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer, and men under 60 had an 87 percent lower risk.
In the prostate-cancer group, index fingers were longer in about 23 percent of the participants and shorter in 57 percent.
In the control group, index fingers were longer in 31 percent and shorter in 52 percent. The rest of the men had fingers of equal length. The findings are in line with a new study of 366 Korean men, which found a significant association between digit ratio and prostate-cancer risk.
Tune into Your Baby’s Health Now
Because their bodies are still growing, babies and children are more vulnerable to environmental pollutants than adults. Give your bundle of joy a head start by creating a safe, healthy, and nontoxic haven, free of hazards that could hinder his or her mental and physical development.
Dress organically:
While the pesticides used to grow conventional cotton won't rub off onto your baby's skin, you can rest easier knowing that organic fabrics have done less harm to our fledgling planet.
Play it safe:
Not all toys that seem cute are safe. To make sure they are not harmful, look for labels that claim playthings are PVC-free and nontoxic.
Decorate with care:
As in the rest of house, decorating a nursery or playroom with green, natural materials will ameliorate your little one's indoor environment.
Food for thought:
Know exactly what your little munchkin is eating by making your own baby food from organic fruit and vegetables.
Safe sipping:
Bottles are a tricky topic-it always seems like today's hot new arrival is tomorrow's chemical culprit. Much of the current debate hovers around a chemical called bisphenol A, or BPA. To skirt the issue, look for bottles made without BPA, or made from glass.
Risk of Epilepsy Measured, May Be Still Higher

Lifetime risk up to age 50 was 1.6% and rose to 3.0% at age 80, Dale C. Hesdorffer, PhD, of Columbia University School of Public Health in New York City, and colleagues reported in the Jan. 4 problem of Neurology.
Given the recent U.S. population, nearly 12 million individuals (3.9%) can be expected to develop epilepsy in their remaining lifetime, the researchers forecast based on their findings from the population of Rochester, Minn.
Woodland strawberry genome sequenced

The genome of the woodland strawberry, cousin to today's cultivated strawberry, has been sequenced by a worldwide research consortium. It is the second smallest plant genome sequenced, with just 14 chromosomes, and could help breeders create tastier and hardier varieties of the famous berry as well as other crops in its family, which includes almonds, apples, peaches, cherries and raspberries.
The research is in this week's online edition of the journal Nature Genetics.
"We've created the strawberry parts file," the leader of the International Strawberry Sequencing Consortium, Kevin Folta, at University of Florida, said in a release "In the old days, we had to go out and figure out what the parts were. Now we know the components that make up the strawberry plant."
8 Benefits of Home Cooking
When it comes down to feeding your body and mind, nothing is superior to preparing your food from scratch, with quality ingredients and served with love. If you have never experienced this phenomenon then try it out for 90 days and see how you feel.
• Saves money
Packaged and prepared meals cost you considerably more than cooking with raw ingredients at home. Preparing meals at home can save you money.
• Saves time
In the time it takes to drive to a restaurant, place your order, wait for your order, return home and serve the meal, you could have made a three-course meal from scratch with time to sit and chew slowly.
• Less salt and Trans fats
preparing meals at home allows you to control the amount of salt and oils you use in your recipes. This in turn reduces the possibility of weight gain and clogged arteries.
• Balanced meals
Taking the time to plan your weekly menu not only helps to save time and money, but also provides a way to create meals with a balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat, plus all the essential vitamins and minerals needed for the adult and child’s body. When eating balanced meals your body feels satisfied, has fewer cravings and this in turn prevents late-night snacking.
• Avoid food poisoning
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) 76 million people are poisoned by food each year. This is caused by food-borne pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and parasites that can seriously harm or even kill you. When preparing meals at home you can better control the temperatures when cooking meats, keep hands and countertops clean and properly wash your raw produce.
• Better energy
Food can be healing medicine or it can deplete your energy and cause sickness and pain. In Cook Your Way to the Life You Want, Christina Pirello writes that we run a risk by having someone else prepare all our meals.
• Brings family together
Preparing meals at home and including family members in meal preparation is a way to give and share love. When food is prepared with a calm mind and loving thoughts it can become a tonic for both the physical body and the soul.
• Weight control
with larger portions people tend to eat more, but cooking at home allows you to control serving sizes and prevent overeating. Buy locally, in season, the best quality food, organic when possible. When cooking from scratch you know exactly what is going into your recipes. The choices you make can keep you healthy and help prevent weight gain, digestive troubles and allergic reactions.
Californians Are Smoking Less and Less

According to a research released previous week by the California Department of Public Health, just 13.1 percent of California residents reported smoking last year, compared with 20.6 percent nationally.
California currently has the second-lowest smoking rate in the country, trailing only Utah.
The declining rate here reflects a culture that is particularly conscious of health and the environment, and it was hailed by state officials as evidence of the success of a strategy to demonize smoking.
Health Net CA Individual Plans Approved!
Health Net CA has announced this morning that they have received regulatory approval to sell their new January 1 plans to individuals & families.
Health Net CA (not including the Farm Bureau) will only be offering 3 total individual health plans for January 2011. These include:
*HMO 40
*ValueNet PPO
*Optimum Advantage HSA PPO
That's it folks. I have the rates and paper applications available for use until the online quoting and application system goes live for these plans.
Nasal congestion, a sign of severe asthma

This means that healthcare professionals should be additional vigilant when it comes to nasal complaints.
Furthermore, more severe asthma appears to be more regular than previously thought, reveals a study from the Sahlgrenska Academy's Krefting Research Centre.
The population research included 30,000 randomly selected participants from the west of Sweden and asked questions about different aspects of health.
Lose Weight, Feel Great & Look Fantastic- Making the New Year the Best Year Yet
New Year may not have arrived yet, but you can see it from here. In my industry we are flooded with New Year’s Resolution Participants, NYRPs for short. These very well-meaning folks, flood into the gym determined to finally lose weight and get healthy.
We see it every year. So what is the problem? The problem is February. When it arrives over half of the NYRPs are nowhere to be found. You may wonder why this always happens, I know I did. It sent me in search of Get REAL answers.
What I found is that NYRPs like the IDEA of being thinner and healthier but they do not like the actual WORK it takes to achieve it. That is only problem number one. This natural phenomenon can be overcome for a short period time by sheer white- knuckle willpower; however, that will be as temporary as the results they achieve.
Most NYRPs are fighting their natural guttural reaction to exercise and healthy eating. In their subconscious, they just don’t want to do it. Without a renewed perspective or major life-shift that causes a heartfelt motivation, the chances of success are slim; pardon the pun.They are trying to put the cart before the horse. By putting your horse power behind you, you greatly limit the progress that can be made. In short, without the proper mindset, you can push and push, and still not find what you were hoping for.
It takes a mental shift to implement a physical shift. Often this comes in the form of a major life event, which forces you to “wake up and smell the coffee,” so to speak. When you approach the goal from a new direction and allow the horse power to pull you along, it won’t seem so tedious and painful.
So much of what I teach is to shift your focus from losing weight, to getting healthier and fit. When you exercise and eat better because your goal is to improve your functional health, you always meet your goal. If you only focus on losing weight it seems illusive, and what you must go through to achieve it, a chore.
By focusing on the health benefits of your behavior you are more likely to see the need for practicing these behaviors regularly. To most people weight loss is a destination. Hurry up and get there so you can go back to the old habits even faster. That is the rub. Those habits got you where you are now. Go back to what you did before, and you will end up back where you were.
By focusing on your health, you can embrace moderation and consistency without the guilt. This creates a sustainable lifestyle. By creating a routine that supports activity and healthy eating, you will gradually find a healthy weight and at the same time reduce the numerous health risk factors associated with caring too much weight.
The current situation facing our NYRPs is a sad fate of yo-yo efforts. In the long run, that kind of manipulation will lead to more health problems than it was intended to heal. To Get REAL results, you need to start slower and maintain longer.
The current situation typically finds sedentary, overweight people, setting unrealistic resolutions and then going at it full force. They know they should be doing something about their weight, so they start by exercising too much, too long and too often. While at the same time they are reducing their calories so low that the body will decide it needs to hold onto every ounce of fat for fear of starvation.
This is creating a very ugly situation. Have you ever been around someone doing it this way? These are not happy campers. No wonder they quit by February. They are taking on the routine of a conditioned athlete, in a not so conditioned body. Many end up injured, bummed out or burned out. This leads them to just chuck it all and go back to what they did before, which is usually…nothing.
This pattern is repeated annually around the world. I say it is time to Get REAL and decide to do it different. Get your thinking lined up and start a moderate activity plan that you advance as you gain more endurance. Start a beginner weight training program twice a week. And slowly begin reducing your calories by simply making mindful choices. Then advance this plan as needed to stay challenged.
By the way, don’t wait to start this new moderate wellness plan, start at your next choice. When you find yourself overindulging, cut yourself some slack and make a better choice at the next opportunity. Wellness is not a sprint, it is a marathon. You will still be here in 10 years, so make good use of that time and work toward being the healthiest, “whatever age you are” around.
If you wish to learn more please visit my site http://getrealwellnesssolutions.com
Whole-Fat Dairy Products May Lower Type 2 Diabetes Risk: Study

The fatty acid is called trans-palmitoleic acid, according to the study in the Dec. 21 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine, and people with the highest blood levels of this fatty acid decrease their odds of diabetes by 62 percent compared to those with the lowest blood levels of it.
In addition, "people who had higher levels of this fatty acid had better cholesterol and triglyceride levels, lower insulin resistance and lower levels of inflammatory markers," said research author Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, co-director of the program in cardiovascular epidemiology at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard School of Public Health.
Anthem CA Quote Upload Available Today (New Plans)
The Anthem Blue Cross CA quoting and application system has been uploaded and is currently quoting the new approved individual & family health plans for 2011 (PPACA-compliant).
The new plans quoting include:
*Tonik 5000 PPO
*Premium Plus PPO (six deductible choices)
*PPO Share 3500, 5000 and 7500
*HMO plans
You can get quotes for the current plans via my link
Lumenos HSA plans will not be available for online quoting until approximately January 20, 2011. For more information on Lumenos HSA, send me an e-mail as I have the rates available at this time.
Plans still pending CDI approval are
*Core Guard PPO
*SmartSense PPO
*Clear Protection PPO
*some Lumenos PPO & HSA
Child Only Health Insurance California 2011 -Anthem Blue Cross Live Blog
I am blogging this live while attending an Anthem Blue Cross conference call. Important news concerning Child-only health insurance coverage in California beginning January 1, 2011 for children under 19.
Per CA AB 2244, children may apply for coverage without a parent being a co-applicant during certain periods. This includes both healthy children and children with pre-existing conditions who need guaranteed-issue coverage. Children receiving guaranteed-issue coverage can be rated up in premium (as of today) but cannot be declined.
The enrollment periods will be as follows:
*January 1,2011 - March 1, 2011 Open Enrollment Period
*The Birthday Month of the Child (regardless of which day in the month)
Outside of these open enrollment windows, children will not be able to apply for coverage on child-only coverage policies. Outside of the open enrollment or birthday month, children will only be allowed to apply with a parent as co-applicant (and the parent must be approved for coverage for the child to be offered coverage).
Anthem will be imposing a 15-day waiting period for effective dates on all individual health plans beginning January 1, 2011. So a child-only PPO application submitted January 1, 2011 will be eligible for a start date of January 16, 2011.
As soon as I find out how the rate-ups are going to be set up for children-only guaranteed-issue health coverage, I will post a blog.
Anthem states that the maximum cutoff age to apply is 18 3/4 years of age.
Garlic protects against hip osteoarthritis

Women who consume a diet high in allium vegetables, such as garlic, onions and leeks, have lower levels of hip osteoarthritis, suggests a latest study.
The findings, by researchers at King's College London and the University of East Anglia, not only highlight the possible effects of diet in protecting against osteoarthritis, but also show the potential for using compounds found in garlic to develop treatments for the situation.
A relationship between body weight and osteoarthritis was previously recognised, although it is not yet totally understood. This study is the first of its kind to delve deeper into the dietary patterns and influences that could impact on development and prevention of the condition.
Human Hemoglobin May Turn Staph Aureus Bacteria Deadly, Researchers Find

Hemoglobin also contains the iron needed for bacteria to develop and spread. Researchers led by Gleb Pishchany from Vanderbilt University Medical School’s microbiology department showed in laboratory testing how Staph aureus latches on more simply to hemoglobin from humans than other mammals to cause invasive infections.
Exercise prevents middle-age weight gain

A new research has revealed that young adults, mainly women, who maintained high levels of moderate and vigorous activity over a period of 20 years experienced smaller gains in weight and waist circumference during the transition from young adulthood to middle age, compared to individuals with lower activity levels.
Arlene L. Hankinson, of the Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, and colleagues conducted a research to evaluate the relationship between maintaining higher activity levels and changes in body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference over 20 years in youthful adults.
Low-Sugar Cereals Help Kids Eat Healthier

Though children may favor cereal that’s high in sugar, they’re more likely to eat fruit at breakfast when served a cereal containing less sugar, researchers say.
The research observed what 91 children aged 5 to 12 at a summer day camp ate when served either high-sugar or low-sugar cereals.
Stem Cells Used to Make Pancreas, Gut Cells

In one, a team turned immature sperm cells into pancreatic tissue, while another group turned embryonic stem cells into complex layers of intestinal tissue.
Both studies show latest ways to use stem cells, which are the body's master cells and which can come from a variety of sources.
Anthem Blue Cross CA Partial Plan Release 12/10
Anthem Blue Cross has announced that a portion of the health plans held up for approval by the CDI (California Dept of Insurance) have been approved and are available for sale today.
In addition to the 3 HMO plans and PPO Share 3500 and 7500 which were previously approved for sale, the following plans are now available today for quoting and applications:
Premier Plus PPO (1000, 1500, 2500, 3500, 5000 and 6000 deductibles)
Lumenos HSA PPO 1500 (non-maternity)
Lumenos HSA 5000 (with maternity)
Tonik 5000 PPO
PPO Share 5000
PPO Share 1000
Anthem has indicated that plan online quotes and applications for the new plans will be available Saturday, 12/18 and after.
Quotes and plan summaries can be found on my Anthem Plan Finder
Click on "Get Quotes" under "individuals & families" and it will open the planfinder in a new window.
Still pending are:
SmartSense Plus
Core Guard Plus
Clear Protection Plus
Lumenos Plus
Chronic Lyme disease: A dubious diagnosis

With a lime-green Lyme disease advocacy ribbon pinned to his dapper black suit, Raxlen joined partygoers sipping martinis below a stained-glass skylight bigger than most New York City apartments.Money was in the air. The "Unmask A Cure" gala invitation listed Goldman Sachs, New York Private Bank & Trust and Marquis Jet as sponsors. The event increased money for the Turn the Corner Foundation, a Lyme nonprofit on whose medical advisory board Raxlen sat.
The scene was light-years from the institutional brick building where the Connecticut Medical Examining Board was considering disciplinary action against Raxlen for the fourth time in 10 years. Raxlen had been accused of telling a lady dying of Lou Gehrig's disease that she had chronic Lyme disease, an illness that might not even exist.
Heart trouble? Blood test to tell years in advance

An older , less sensitive version of the test detects a certain protein in only a small percentage of people ,but a research of the newer test made by Roche found it in about 25% of 3,500 blood samples .And people who had detectable levels of the protein , released by damaged heart muscle , were nearly seven times more likely to die of heart disease within six years.
Both tests look for a protein called cardiac troponin T, which indicates muscle damage in the heart , but the newer test called Elecsys Troponin T is 10 times more sensitive . "This test is among the most powerful predictors of death in the common population we've seen so far ," saidJ amesdeLemosof theUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas , whose study appears in the Journal of the American Medical Association .
MLR and Agent Commission (and the future) California
As many of you may have heard, the health insurance carriers have begun announcing commission reductions to agents due to MLR (Medical Loss Ratio) requirements under PPACA. Blue Shield CA just left us all a nice voicemail this evening (after business hours BTW) about commission cuts. The average for an agent is approximately 50% pay cut in 2011 (starting in 3 weeks).
No doubt that is going to hurt and it is possible many agents (especially newer agents) will leave the health insurance business. Veteran agents may be able to withstand the slash on new business compensation because of a large client base of older business which will be, at least for now, uneffected by the cuts.
I have observed in the last few days an attempt by agents, insurance carriers and organizations that train, recruit or mentor agents, to justify this going forward. To the extent that reduced earnings on health insurance would allow fewer agents to achieve higher potential production at lower commission (the overall thought process), certainly there could be a place for those fewer agents to continue to succeed in this business. Except.............
What happens on 1/1/2014? Let's say a savvy agent sets up a staffed call center (the chosen model by the carriers, obviously), hires a bunch of service reps, sub-agents and telemarketers and garners a large volume of sales to achieve the highest commission payouts. That could be a lucrative business model right up to the point where the health insurance exchanges open in 2014. Then what?
Imagine an agent selling 300+ health insurance policies in 2011, 2012, and 2013 (over 900 total) and watching the 900+ clients disappear into an insurance exchange offering no compensation or virtually no compensation to the agent. All of that work for a couple of years of income at already-reduced commissions to see it all evaporate in the blink of an eye.
Now there are agents who are whistling past the graveyard saying "that's not going to happen", "repeal is on the way", "NAHU will protect our earning power." Now, they may be right.
I am inclined to believe what I see, not what I think/hope might happen. Sure changes could be made. Sure a panel could be set up to review agent compensation. Since this change has ALREADY happened (compensation and MLR), the pragmatist in me says to anticipate that the 2014 changes will occur basically unchanged and on schedule.
"Well", some might say, "there will still be a place for agents in the system". Don't be so sure. We are not specifically mentioned in PPACA. At best we are included with navigators like Dept of Fish & Game, Trade Unions, Civic Organizations and the like. It's us, community service organizations and someone spawning salmon in the pond.
The California Health Exchange is a fact. It was passed into law and signed by Gov Schwarzenegger a few months ago. It exists and regardless of what happens with PPACA (ObamaCare), the California exchanges would have to be repealed separately.
The architect of the future California Exchange is the same person who set up the Massachusetts Connector Exchange. I won't mention his name here but you can certainly Google it.
Agent compensation in Massachusetts for indivdiual & family health insurance is..........zero, nothing , nada, bupkiss, the big 'goose egg' (insert your favorite phrase here).
So, the same guy who set up 'the big goose egg' in agent compensation in Massachusetts will be very heavily involved in setting up the California Exchange. Sure, it could be different out here, but are you really willing to bank on it.
Health insurance agents in California will have to make some hard decisions going forward. Some will bury their heads in the sand and hope it all goes away. Some will swear on all that is Holy that big brother NAHU (National Assn of Health Underwriters) and Janet Trautwein will ride in on a white horse to save the day. Some will move on to other things like life insurance. And some will stick it out and try to make the best of a lousy situation over which they have no control.
The bottom line is this for agents: "Am I willing to work twice as hard for half as much with the very real risk that it could all go away anyway in three years?" I wish I had the answer, for myself and for other agents. As of today, I just don't know.
How To Spot Eyesight Disorders in Children
Diligent parents know that taking care of their children is much easier when they play an active role in spotting their health problems before they get out of hand. Because kids have such active metabolisms, they can recover from physical ailments, injuries and diseases much faster than adults can, making consistent health monitoring a great way to nip problems in the bud at an early stage. This applies in the field of ocular wellness just as much as it does anywhere else, and making sure your kids can see as well as possible is simple with some easy eyesight tests you can do at home. ***************************************************************
For infants, toddlers and younger children who can't read, you can use a number of at-home methods. Infants ought to be able to focus or fixate on something bright and follow it by the time they are three, and you can use any favorite toy to test this capability. You can also make simple printed cards that are blank on one side and striped on the reverse to test your child's ability to focus their gaze, as most should be attracted to the stripes.
Just like learning about proper teeth brushing, dietary habits and exercise, establishing good eyesight practices is something that parents can really help their kids with. Notice your child's reading, television and computer usage habits. Does it seem like they need to be abnormally close to the material on a regular basis? If so, they may have a vision problem, or in some cases, their improper use of whatever they're looking at may lead to issues later on, especially where backlit screens and monitor displays are concerned. Excessive squinting and apparent trouble focusing can also be indicators that your child may require professional attention.
Doctor's visits are expensive, even for those who have good insurance. While at-home testing is no substitute for medical help, it can actually make things a lot easier to budget for by giving you a good idea of what to expect. There are many online versions of the "letter-style" vision testing chart used by optometrists, and you can print one out and perform tests on your children from the comfort of your home.
Thomas Doane is a freelance writer for Eyeglass Guide. He’s written about presbyopia, cataract surgery, and other related topics.
Shellfish may help preserve seniors' eyesight

The findings are consistent with mounting proof that high levels of dietary omega-3 fatty acids benefit eye health, the researchers said.
"But, unlike earlier studies, we included shellfish intake in the determination of omega-3 fatty acid consumption," said researcher Bonnielin K. Swenor of the Wilmer Eye Institute at John Hopkins University. "This is main because shellfish, particularly crab and oysters, are a main component of the diet" of the study population.
Brain Scan Might Someday Spot Autism

Researchers at McLean Hospital in Boston and the University of Utah used MRIs to analyze the microscopic fiber structures that create the brain circuitry in 30 males aged 8 to 26 with high-functioning autism and 30 males without autism.
Males with autism showed differences in the white matter circuitry in two regions of the brain's temporal lobe: the superior temporal gyrus and the temporal stem. Those parts are involved with language, emotion and social skills, according to the researchers.
Fat-fearing moms putting babies on diets

And I'm not talking about pudgy 10-year-olds who think Wii Fit passes for work out. I'm talking babies, under a year old, with chubby cheeks and folds in their thighs — you know, the kind most other people coo over as the picture of health.
According to a recent Good Morning America report, and some Mommy blogs, pediatricians around the country are finding that "more and more parents are putting their babies on diets," even diluting their nutrient-rich principle and breast milk with water, to keep them from getting "fat."
The fear itself is not far-fetched. Dieting babies come at a moment in America's ballooning child obesity epidemic when one in 10 children below the age of 2 is overweight, and experts have come up with a new term to describe the heaviest: "the super-obese," according to the ABC story. So parents today are more consumed than ever with their babies' girth.
Blog Archive
- Mom's Voice Plays Special Role in triggering Newbo...
- Study: Long Ring Finger in Men Linked to Cancer Risk
- Tune into Your Baby’s Health Now
- Risk of Epilepsy Measured, May Be Still Higher
- Woodland strawberry genome sequenced
- 8 Benefits of Home Cooking
- Californians Are Smoking Less and Less
- Health Net CA Individual Plans Approved!
- Nasal congestion, a sign of severe asthma
- Lose Weight, Feel Great & Look Fantastic- Making t...
- Whole-Fat Dairy Products May Lower Type 2 Diabetes...
- Anthem CA Quote Upload Available Today (New Plans)
- Child Only Health Insurance California 2011 -Anthe...
- Garlic protects against hip osteoarthritis
- Human Hemoglobin May Turn Staph Aureus Bacteria De...
- Exercise prevents middle-age weight gain
- Low-Sugar Cereals Help Kids Eat Healthier
- Stem Cells Used to Make Pancreas, Gut Cells
- Anthem Blue Cross CA Partial Plan Release 12/10
- Chronic Lyme disease: A dubious diagnosis
- Heart trouble? Blood test to tell years in advance
- MLR and Agent Commission (and the future) California
- How To Spot Eyesight Disorders in Children
- Shellfish may help preserve seniors' eyesight
- Brain Scan Might Someday Spot Autism
- Fat-fearing moms putting babies on diets