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Make your hair removal by waxing You On Here » , , » Make your hair removal by waxing

Waxing is one of the most effective ways of removing hair, with this process, dead cells are removed and the skin remains smooth. Waxing is classified into two categories. These are cold wax and hot wax. Hot waxing is the one that melts into the body and penetrates the hair, eventually it will harden and that's the time you have to rip it off.

On the other side, cold waxing includes a pre-coated strip that can be put directly over the skin, in this way the hair sticks onto the strip and it is removed by a quick pulling action. Redness and bumps may appear after the process, but it will disappear within few hours. After waxing, apply a moisturizer on the area.

Choose a moisturizer that has Vitamin B or aloe vera, these are the excellent skin moisturizers. Before waxing even if it's hot or cold, the area must be cleaned as well as the tools you will use. This is to avoid bacteria and germs that may enter your pores.

However, waxing also includes health precautions. Persons with diabetes and varicose veins are typically not allowed to have it, because the disease makes them very susceptible to infection. Also hair waxing shouldn't be done in areas with skin problems like pimples, warts, rashes, skin irritations or even moles. Waxing can be done in any part of the body. In waxing, hair grows back after 21-36 days, but it's finer and thinner.

Waxing is far superior to shaving, but it has some downfalls. One of them is the pain factor. It can hurt the first few times it is done. Make sure that waxing is done by a professional or a person that is very knowledgeable in it. It's better to be safe than sorry.


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