This week I have been asked about this so many times that I wanted to address some confusion concerning federal COBRA.
Federal COBRA runs a standard 18 months, not 15 months. There are cases where it can be 29 months (disability extension) or 36 months (divorce, separation, death of the employee, state extension or dependent age-off of parent's plan). Generally it runs 18 months for most people.
The subsidy for COBRA (for those who qualify) runs 15 months. It was originally set up to run 9 months but was extended.
You do not exhaust or lose COBRA at 15 months. You only lose the subsidy at 15 months. You still have 3 more months of COBRA (or more if extended) after the subsidy goes away.
You are not eligible for HIPAA at 15 months. You have to complete the 18 months.
COBRA versus Subsidy for COBRA (18 vs 15 months)
10 Types of Food That Can Make You Sick
The riskiest foods
But knowing which foods are potentially risky can help.

Be aware of the risk, but don’t avoid these types of food. “They are everywhere and are part of a healthy diet,” says CSPI staff attorney, Sarah Klein.
Leafy greens
Yes, they’re you’re favorite go-to salad greens—lettuce, escarole, endive, spinach, cabbage, kale, arugula, and chard.
But they also caused 363 outbreaks involving 13,568 reported cases of illness since 1990. (Remember bagged spinach in 2006?)

To avoid getting sick, wash produce and prevent cross-contamination (improper handling of meat in the kitchen can spread bacteria to other types of food, including greens) by washing hands and using separate cutting boards.
This breakfast favorite has been linked to 352 outbreaks since 1990, most often due to Salmonella bacteria.
The bacteria can lurk inside the egg, so proper cooking is key (which kills the germs). Avoid eating any products containing raw eggs, including cookie dough.

Still, “raw food items like eggs may have contamination and need to be handled properly.”
This type of fish can be contaminated by scombrotoxin, which causes flushing, headaches, and cramps.
If it is stored above 60 degrees after being caught, fresh fish can release the toxin, which cannot be destroyed by cooking (and is unrelated to mercury contamination or other problems related to tuna and other fish).

“You just can’t cook out all the things wrong with food supply right now,” CSPI's Klein says.
Before being transformed into a pricey delicacy, oysters lurk on the ocean floor doing what they do best—filter feeding.
And if the water they are filtering is contaminated, so are the oysters. (Or they can be contaminated during handling.)

A freshly scrubbed spud that’s properly cooked is unlikely to cause illness. But watch out for potato salad.
Cross contamination—the transfer of germs from one type of food, usually meat, to another—can be the source of the problem.

While restaurants are a key source of other food-related outbreaks, most people who get sick from cheese do so from products consumed at home.

Ice Cream
I scream, you scream. We all scream from ice cream? Ice cream has been linked to 75 outbreaks caused by bacteria like Salmonella and Staphylococcus since 1990, according to the CSPI.

“People are making ice cream at home and using raw eggs in the household,” explains Hedberg.
Although tomatoes were found “not guilty” in a 2008 outbreak that sickened thousands (the culprits were jalapeno and Serrano peppers), this summer favorite has been linked to at least 31 outbreaks.

To do this: wash hands for 20 seconds with warm water and soap before and after preparing fresh produce; wash fruits and vegetables under running water just before eating, cutting, or cooking, even if you plan to peel it before eating; and keep fruits and vegetables that will be eaten raw separate from other foods.
While sprouts are practically the poster child for healthy food, they can also be vulnerable to bacterial contamination.
The seeds used to produce the sprouts can be contaminated in the field, and water and warm growing conditions that encourage germination can also boost bacterial growth.

Another common source of food poisoning is berries, including strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries.

Other cases—linked to imported raspberries from Chile and Guatemala—have been caused by a germ called Cyclospora, which causes severe diarrhea, dehydrations, and cramps.
Health Exchanges and Independent Agents
I am hearing and reading so much lately from the health insurance agent community about the future of agents under healthcare reform. Specifically as relates to the health insurance exchanges set for 2014. A minority believe that independent agents will have a place in the system while a majority, it seems, are suffering from "Chicken Little Syndrome". Truthfully, no one knows yet what place independent health agents will have in the new system. I do have some thoughts.
For those who know me and my business, I write a lot of HIPAA. HIPAA is guaranteed-issue health insurance, available kind of on an exchange (pick from available carriers and plans) and has no underwriting or medical screening component. Somewhat similar to the future exchanges (if you can get information which is generally only available on web sites like mine).
One would think that with the fairly small choice of guaranteed-issue plans (perhaps 25 at most in California) and fairly similar plan designs (HMO are similar and PPO/POS are similiar in deductible and general benefits) that choosing a HIPAA plan would be easy. Honestly, for every 10 people I help enroll under HIPAA, at least 9 of them need help in determining the most appropriate carrier and plan for their needs. And that is a good thing. Getting a coverage plan is important. Getting the best fit for coverage is more important.
There are a variety of factors that come into play during proper case development. Plan design and usage limitations are one area. Plan benefits and any exclusions or limitations is another. Then there is the network of participating providers and the prescription drug formulary to consider. All of these things before we really even look at the price of the plan. These services are easily and readily provided by independent agents who can compare multiple carriers and plans. The other option would be to call each carrier and then try to put it all together yourself. One of the problems with calling a carrier is...they only know their own plan. For example:
Blue Cross of California originated a plan in California called RightPlan PPO. It was the first no deductible non-maternity individuals-only PPO in California. It was subsequently copied by several other carriers and duplicated in their respective plan portfolios. Health Net has SimpleValue PPO (copy) and Blue Shield has ActiveStart PPO (copy).
Under the current market, you could call Anthem Blue Cross about the RightPlan PPO but they are not equipped to compare it against SimpleValue or ActiveStart. Each carrier only knows their own plans. You'd end up having to call three carriers, get whatever information you think is important, put it all together and try to decide which clone plan would work best. Or you could call an independent agent (for free by the way, there is no cost to have an agent) who can run that scenario for you.
Fast forward to the health insurance exchanges. Like HIPAA, the plans will all be similar but, like HIPAA, there will be differences between each insurance company's plans (network, formulary, benefits, tiers of drug coverage and so on).
Let's assume hypothetically that six companies in California offer plans to the exchange. The plans will be denoted as Gold, Silver, Bronze and Platinum. Benefit levels will be determined by mandates in the healthcare reform law. Seems simple enough, right?
Well, what if you take six medications and one of them is not in any drug formulary for the exchange plans? Which plans have tier 3 drug coverage and which don't. Are there restrictions on tier 3 benefits? How do I search their drug formulary? Are my doctors participating with this carrier's Gold plan? How about hospitals? Do the networks differ between Gold, Silver, Bronze and Platinum? Does this plan cover me locally only or can I use it in-network when I travel? Is this an HMO Gold, PPO Gold or POS Gold? What's the difference?
Needless to say, this list could go on forever.
Another factor that I believe may come into play are deviations from basic design. With Medicare Supplement plans, there are some carriers who offer the Medicare mandated benefits but also create enhanced plans with other options above the Medicare minimum standard. Could we see this in the exchange as well? I believe it is very possible. So instead of six carriers offer six Gold plans, you might see something like this:
Carrier A - Gold
Carrier B - Gold, Gold Preferred, Gold Plus, Gold Enhanced
Carrier C - Gold, Gold Preferred
Carrier D - Gold, Gold Select
Carrier E - Gold, Gold Select
Carrier F - Gold, Gold HMO
Gold = Standard Gold design based on reform rules for plan minimum standard
Gold Select = Gold plan benefits with a select network of providers (smaller)
Gold Preferred = Gold plan health benefits plus a long-term care rider
Gold Plus = Gold plan benefits with a dental HMO plan
Gold Enhanced = Gold Plus plan design (with dental) plus additional vision and chiropractic coverage
Gold HMO = HMO plan adhering to Gold plan design rules
Under this scenario, as many as 13 Gold plans could be available (or more, or less) from the six insurance companies. It could get really confusing really quickly. And what if they do the same with Silver and Bronze? Or Platinum?
The bottom line is that a person should not have to match their medical needs to a health plan. All of my case development for HIPAA plans is directed at matching the plan to meet the medical needs, not the other way around. While no plan is always absolutely perfect, good case development should find the one plan that, given overall medical needs, is the "best" fit for each client.
I would think, given these variables, that the role of the independent agent would be extremely important in matching people's medical needs with the appropriate health plan, whether through the exchange or privately outside of the exchange.
Certainly the states, or insurance companies, or federal government could set up "call centers" staffed by non-agents who would be available to review coverage options and answer questions. Would it be less expensive? Probably not. But more to the point, there comes a time in this business when experienced, veteran independent agents really get a feel for the way certain insurance companies operate with regard to networks, formulary and benefits. I have found that EOC (Evidence of Coverage) booklets are often sorely lacking in certain areas when it comes to benefit utilization or the way a claim is "really" processed. Just because something is written in a booklet or spreadsheet or benefit summary does not mean that is exactly how it works, or in all situations.
We learn from experience. I write mostly HIPAA. Claims for HIPAA tend to be much greater and much more varied than underwritten coverage. That is the nature of guaranteed-issue coverage. I have seen situations which absolutely contradict what was written in the benefit summary, spreadsheet or EOC. I have also learned over the years many of the little nuances of the plans and insurance carriers that can be very critical when a prospective client brings their medical needs to me.
I hope that our leadership understands the value that we independent health agents provide.
On a side note:
I was a bit saddened to read an article recently in an industry publication in which President Obama told a health agent who expressed concern about her career that she was "the one who has to tell her clients about the insurance company's rate increase". While that is part of our job, I'd like to think we do a bit more than just pass on rate increase information. I certainly hope this is not how our leadership sees us and perceives our value to our clients.
I don't always have time to tell people about rate increases since the carrier will tell them anyway. I am often quite busy running drug formularies, trying to find which network doctor X is actually in and trying to help my clients get the plan that will best cover their immediate needs like chemotherapy, heart surgery, infusion therapy, transplant surgery or self-injectible life saving medication.
MRMIP Clears Backlog (No Enrollment Waiting Period)
The California MRMIP (Major Risk Medical Insurance Program) has apparently received some additional funding and has cleared the backlog of applications.
As of today (5/19/10) there is no waiting list for MRMIP enrollments.
I am working on obtaining specific information regarding the federal temporary risk pool which is scheduled to open July 1. In the meantime eligible uninsurables may enroll in the MRMIP without an enrollment waiting period.
More MRMIP information here
A Little Know About Eyelid Surgery
Cosmetic eyelid surgery, which is also called blepharoplasty, involves surgically removing excess skin, fat or muscle from around the eyes to give a younger and fresher appearance. The procedure can be done on the upper and lower lids, at the same time or separately, depending on the clients preferences.
As you age, the skin around your eyes loses its elasticity, making them sag and can be ageing. You may develop loose folds of skin on your upper eyelids and deep creases under your lower lids, making your eyes look sunken. However, your muscles in this area may also slacken so that fat around your eye bulges forward and makes your lower eyelids appear baggy. Cosmetic eyelid surgery can remove the excess skin, fat, or both, from around your eyes.
It's important not to rush into the decision to have cosmetic surgery. Discuss your options with your doctor, who may be able to recommend a reputable surgeon or advise you about choosing which hospital to be treated in.
Before opting for cosmetic eyelid surgery, discuss with your surgeon what you are hoping to gain from the operation and the result you can realistically expect. For example, the surgery won't remove wrinkles at the corners of your eyes, nor will it lighten dark shadows under your eyes.
For surgery on the upper eyelids, cuts are made into the natural lines and creases in your eyelids, and in the wrinkles at the corners of your eyes. For surgery on the lower eyelids, cuts are made just below your eyelashes and then out into your 'laughter lines' at the corner of your eyes. This means your scars will run along the natural folds of your eyes, which helps to hide them.
If you have eye problems such as glaucoma, dry eyes or a detached retina, you're at higher risk of complications, meaning you will need to see a specialist eye doctor before your operation.
Pros and Cons of Face Lift surgery
As you get older, your skin loses its elasticity, meaning your facial muscles loosen, creating lines and wrinkles - making the skin sag. Face Lift surgery is the way to go for many who aren't happy with their ageing appearance and a full facelift can lift your whole face making it look radiant and more youthful.
If you don't want a full facelift, but just parts of your face such as the brow area, lower face or neck to be more youthful in appearance, then that too is possible. The effects of a facelift will last for seven to 10 years with many celebrities and television personalities getting them to keep up with their busy careers. The best results can be achieved if you maintain a stable body weight, have good bone structure, and cut out cigarettes and alcohol completely.
Before under-going a facelift, you should make sure you have found a reputable surgeon. Once you have found a surgeon you are happy with after a face-to face meeting and research, you should discuss what you are hoping to get out of the operation. The surgeon can than inform you of the results you should expect from the procedure. There are other treatments to go alongside, or separate from a facelift, which may be more suited to you. Resurfacing techniques reduce surface wrinkles and can smooth the skin by removing damaged outer layers. Options include chemical peels and laser resurfacing.
Pulsed light therapy stimulates the middle layer of the skin to produce more collagen, which plumps out fine lines and wrinkles. Tissue augmentation plumps out deep wrinkles with injections of collagen or other types of filler. Botulinum toxin injections can flatten out wrinkles that appear in your skin when you smile or frown. This is particularly suitable for forehead lines and wrinkles around your eyes.
Creams, gels and beauty treatments may help tighten your skin. However, there is no scientific proof that these work.
Obesity campaign controversy
Large Companies Contemplate Dropping Employee Health Coverage
The Dallas Morning News is reporting that several very large companies "have concluded that they might be financially better off canceling their health care coverage and moving their workers to government-subsidized exchanges that will be available in four years".
At least four companies have investigated to varying degrees the impact of dropping health care coverage and pushing their workers onto the new exchanges, where they will be able to buy their own insurance.
While doing this would subject companies to fines, the size of the fines would be substantially less than the cost of providing health insurance to their workers.
The four companies identified so far are:
*Verizon Communications, Inc.
*Caterpillar, Inc.
*Deere and Co.
If these four are looking at this option, it is a pretty safe bet that other large employers are doing the same.
HIPAA Enrollment Change (Yet Again) - Anthem
Anthem Blue Cross (CA) has made another enrollment change to the HIPAA plans.
Under the prior change, all enrollments in HIPAA were subject to approval followed by a premium notice. The notice would allow payments in two 15-day periods (1-15th, 16-31st paid or postmarked) to start on the first of the following month. Example:
*Premium paid or postmarked 1-15 June would start July 1 (30-day gap)
*Premium paid or postmarked 16-30 June would start August 1 (60-day gap)
Under the latest change, the premium payment period has changed as follows:
*Premium paid or postmarked 1-15 June would start June 1 (slightly retroactive)
*Premium paid or postmarked 16-30 June would start July 1
Also, Anthem Blue Cross CA has indicated that it will accept certain "substitute" documents in lieu of the Certificate of Creditable Coverage which is not issued until after the expiration of continuation coverage.
Iguazu Falls National Park, Argentina

A Good Story (sadly not health insurance but life insurance)
Every day it seems the health insurance companies are making mistakes, denying claims, rescinding coverage and all of the rest. They pay claims grudgingly (if at all) and, according to many media sources, try to get out of paying as many as they can.
I asked my doctor during a recent checkup if it was true what 'Dr. Dean' says about doctor spending 1/2 their time working on patient files. He told me "not anymore", most of his time is spent fighting with health insurance companies. Sigh!
So, I wanted to share the following true story. It is not a health insurance story, but a life insurance story. I dream of the day even one California health insurance company could tell a story like this. I doubt any of them could..........
In 1999 I attended the annual agents meeting of Northwestern Mutual Life in Milwaukee, WI. This is an annual "must" for NML agents and it is both educational and a lot of fun.
Then-CEO Jim Ericson opened the first morning session with the following story (and yes it has stuck with me 11 years now).
In early 1999 an agent's client applied for a life insurance policy for his young teenage daughter. Something for the future I guess. Well, for some reason the case got hung up in underwriting and they didn't get what they wanted with medical records and never completed the underwriting.
The client called his agent in late spring to inquire as to whether or not the life insurance policy on his daughter was ever issued. The agent checked and told his client that it had not completed underwriting and was never issued.
The client told his agent, "well, I guess it doesn't matter anyway, my daughter has passed away".
The agent took the case to NML where it ended up on the desk of Mr. Ericson. He directed his underwriting department to complete the underwriting on the young girl's application and report to him whether or not the policy would have been issued at that time (given the missing information).
Underwriting reviewed the application, received the missing information and reported to Mr. Ericson that, indeed, a policy would have been issued at that time had they received all of the information they required.
Mr. Ericson directed Northwestern Mutual Life to issue the life insurance policy posthumously on the young girl, waive premium payments, and immediately pay the benefit to the beneficiary.
Northwestern Mutual did not have to do this. They could have simply said that the policy was never issued due to missing medical information. But they didn't.
This story never made the press, was never published in any newspaper. Quietly, as their nickname "The Quiet Company" suggests, they made a decision to do the right thing, or more to the point, to do the honorable thing.
It's about honor and being honorable. That's what it really means to be an insurance company!
Dry Tortugas - Fort Jefferson
Seventy miles off of Key West the Dry Tortugas is the site of Fort Jefferson built with 16 million bricks in the 1840’s and surrounded by breathtaking coral reefs just off the beach.
You can get to the Dry Tortugas on a 2 hour cruise aboard the Yankee Freedoom II.
Dry Tortugas National Park
PO Box 6208
Key West, Florida 33041
Phone: 305-242-7700

The Inside Florida Scoop:
- A comfortable 2 hour cruise gets you to Dry Tortugas
- Breakfast, lunch, and snorkeling gear are provided on the Yankee Freedom II
- Fort Jefferson is impressive, very photogenic, and huge
- Snorkel right off the beach in a few feet of water
- The water is crystal clear turquoise
- You will see many types of tropical fish, live coral, and other sea life
- Bring sun protection - sunscreen and a sun shirt work well
Dry Tortugas Name and History
The name for the cluster of islands comes from Ponce de Leon who visited in 1513 and was in awe over the abundance of sea turtles. He named this area “Tortugas” which means turtles in Spanish. The most common is the loggerhead sea turtle but you can also see green, hawksbill, and leatherback sea turtles nesting and swimming in the area.
In the 1600’s and 1700’s many pirates made this area home base while waiting to attack ships as they sailed pass.
Dry Tortugas Weather
The park is open year round with it subtropical climate the weather can change quickly. The winter season of December through March tends to be the windiest and have the roughest seas. April and May are very pleasant. June through November is considered hurricane season but you’ll also find the calmest seas while intense storms can come up at any time. During the summer months, it can get extremely humid and hot (drink lots of water, wear plenty of suntan lotion, and cool off in the turquoise waters.)
Mini Cruise
The Inside Florida team signed up for a full day excursion on the Yankee Freedom II to the Dry Tortugas. It was a fantastic trip aboard the Yankee Freedom with friendly and informative staff, air conditioned sections with table seating, breakfast and lunch buffets, and Captain Rick with his loyal yellow labrador, Salty.
The ferry has a 250 person capacity but Yankee Freedom limits it to 100 people so you don’t feel crowded at all. You can walk around the vessel’s decks, sit on on the upper deck with wide ocean views, and even hang out with Captain Rick during the 2 hour trip.
The naturalist also named Rick answered every question we had about the Dry Tortugas National Park and pointed out interesting facts along the journey. You’ll pass the treasure hunters as they continue to excavate treasure from the Spanish galleons’ Atocha and Santa Margarita that sunk during a hurricane in 1622. The galleons were filled with millions of dollars worth of gold, silver, jewels, and artifacts.Fort Jefferson
As you approach Fort Jefferson on the Yankee Freedom II, you’ll see how massive it is a few miles out. It’s architecture is impressive for a fort its size. The US Military started building Fort Jefferson in 1846 with the goal of protecting the waterways and ships headed for ports to the Gulf coast region.
After 16 million red bricks were laid into this 3 story, 6 sided fort, it was never completed. The development of more modern weapons made the fort obsolete. You’ll can take a 40 minute guided tour when you first arrive to Garden Key, home of Fort Jefferson.
Snorkeling in the Dry Tortugas
After a tour of Fort Jefferson, grab your snorkeling gear (Yankee Freedom provides it if you don’t have your own) and head to the beach. Make sure to also review one of Yankee Freedom’s snorkeling maps of the area.
Living coral reefs are typically 2 to 3 miles offshore from the Keys but at the Dry Tortugas you walk right into the white sandy beach and head to the wall around the moat to see beautiful brain coral, sea fans, schools of tropical fish, queen conchs, and huge sea urchins. It’s one of the most easy and beautiful places to snorkel. The depth is just a few feet to about 15 feet deep along the fort’s outer walls.
More experienced snorkelers can also enjoy the South Coaling Dock Ruins which are old metal pilings from the coal docks.
After snorkeling, head back to the Yankee Freedom for a fresh water shower. It is so refreshing!Dry Tortugas Camping
Our friends loved camping at the Dry Tortugas on the island of Garden Key with Fort Jefferson. One of the most amazing experiences is sitting on top of the 3rd floor of Fort Jefferson during sunset (bring a camera!).
It is a primitive campsite so you must bring everything including water. Yankee Freedom provides ferry transport for campers and allows you to bring 60 pounds of gear. You can also bring a kayak or small canoe for an additional charge. There’s only 11 campsites so you need to make reservations early. The ferries head out around 3:00 pm so the island becomes pretty empty which give the campers lots of peace and quiet while exploring and snorkeling.
Fishing is allowed but spearfishing and lobstering is prohibited. The mosquitoes are minimal because there is no still water for them to breed in.
Bird Watching on Dry Tortugas
During the months of February through September, a close by island called Bush Key is closed for nesting Sooty and Noddy Terns. Between March and September more than 100,000 sotty terns nest in the area along with brown pelicans, brown noddies, roseate terns, and double crested cormorants.
The park is open year round. Fort Jefferson is open from sunrise to sunset during daylight hours. Campers and private boaters are able to enjoy the quiet, pristine surroundings early in the mornings and the early evenings at sunset.
Blue Shield CA Adds 5th HIPAA Policy
Effective May 1, 2010, Blue Shield of California has added a 5th policy to the HIPAA guaranteed-issue individual & family portfolio.
The new addition, Access+ Value HMO, is a lower-priced HMO option than the Access+ HMO that was made available 3/2/10.
This is the first time I have seen a carrier offer three plans under one plan registration for HIPAA.
Healthy Snacks for Diabetics
Watch what you eat” that is probably what your doctor would keep on saying if you happen to be a diabetic. Diabetes is a medical condition in which an individual has extremely high blood sugar or glucose levels. This happens when the body fails to produce adequate insulin or in cases when the body cells fail to respond to the insulin that is being produced.
A diabetic has to be very careful about his or her food intake and especially about the sugar intake. However, it is not the sugar intake alone. Excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates may also have an adverse effect on their health as these are broken down into sugars. Fried food and alcoholic beverages are also a strict no-no.
Despite having a sweet tooth, you are forced to skip on desserts when you are a diabetic. You are constantly worried about your blood sugar levels rising high.
When it comes to healthy snacks for diabetics, nuts are a safe bet. These include almonds, cashews, pecans and walnuts. However, snacking on nuts does not mean that you can have as much of these as you want. Nuts should be consumed in moderation as they are high on calories.
The list of healthy snacks also includes fruits and whole grain crackers. When it comes to fruits you have a choice amongst grapefruit, apricots, apple and blueberries. Whole grain crackers, on the other hand, constitute complex carbohydrates which take a long time to get absorbed in the body thus making you feel full for a longer period of time.
But being a diabetic does not mean that you have to snack on fruits and nuts all along. There is a whole range of healthy snacks for diabetics which are nutritious and at the same time delectable. These include whole grain bars, meat preparations, and even a diabetic chocolate cake. Though rich in chocolate, these are devoid of any sugar content. You can have the cake if you are diabetic and even gift it to one who suffers from the same.
For diabetics, the kind of snack that they can have without causing an adverse effect on blood sugar levels is dependant on the kind of medication that has been prescribed. If you are on oral medication, then you should have smaller meals comprising snacks that have high protein content. You need to keep an eye over the calorie content in snacks so that it does not become an additional meal.
Hair Care Tips For Sexy Hair
Does having sexy hair always mean going to the salon? The answer in no. You can always get that sexy hair without even going out of your house. You don't need to spend hours and hours in a beauty parlor for your hair to get done. You can even do it on your own. With the basic hair products such as good shampoos and conditioners and with the help of simple styling tools such as portable hair dryers, there's already so much that you can do. If you know what works with your hair, you can style it anyway you want to even with just a few minutes. You just have to know how your hair reacts to heat; extreme weather conditions, styling tools and products, and you can now tweak your hair for a quick fix to suit any occasion.
First stop is washing your hair. This should be done on a regular basis as the hair easily catches dirt as you go along with your day. Depending on your hair type, you can either apply shampoo everyday, or try not to use it everyday as over washing can also damage the hair. On days that you can't use shampoo, you can always use conditioner to moisturize your tresses. Shampoo should be applied on the scalp area for cleansing, while conditioner should be used on the tips and strands of the hair to give it a shine. While applying shampoo or conditioner, you should also massage your scalp to make it healthier.
After washing, dry your hair with a towel. But as you squeeze off water from your hair, try not to rub your hair against each other as this may cause your hair to tangle and break. You should also avoid twisting your hair inside the towel and leaving it for a long time because this may cause your hair to become frizzy in the long run. What you should do, is just towel off excess water such that drops won't keep falling while you dry your hair.
While your hair is still a little wet, you can use Babyliss hair dryer to dry your hair. But when you do this, you shouldn't use the blower excessively as too much heating will damage your hair. You should only use the portable hair dryer to remove moisture by 75-90% and leave the other 10% moisture to evaporate on its own.
You should always invest in good brushes and remember to brush your hair every once in a while to keep it from tangling. Always keep a wide-tooth comb in your dresser or bag which you can use for detangling. You can also use your fingers to do this, starting always from the tips of your hair. You should always invest in a good brush which you can use to comb your hair gently. And lastly, you shouldn't forget to invest in hair accessories such as headband, pins, or ponytails to help hold your hair when needed, or simply to add style.
After everything, that last thing you should do before leaving the house is the styling process. If you want to leave your hair down, you can add little volume with the help of Babyliss hair dryers. It can help you achieve the right direction for your hair so it won't fly away and it will look tame and manageable which is sexy.
If you want to take even better care of your hair you need the right dryer. Here is where you can learn more about the right dryers for your hair at Portable Hair Dryers. Also, here is where you can go for a great selection in the very popular Babyliss Hair Dryer.
Blog Archive
- COBRA versus Subsidy for COBRA (18 vs 15 months)
- 10 Types of Food That Can Make You Sick
- Health Exchanges and Independent Agents
- MRMIP Clears Backlog (No Enrollment Waiting Period)
- A Little Know About Eyelid Surgery
- Pros and Cons of Face Lift surgery
- Obesity campaign controversy
- Large Companies Contemplate Dropping Employee Heal...
- HIPAA Enrollment Change (Yet Again) - Anthem
- Iguazu Falls National Park, Argentina
- A Good Story (sadly not health insurance but life ...
- Dry Tortugas - Fort Jefferson
- Blue Shield CA Adds 5th HIPAA Policy
- Healthy Snacks for Diabetics
- Hair Care Tips For Sexy Hair