Today the CA Governor announced that California will not use the MRMIP program as the temporary high risk pool for uninsurable California residents.
Instead, MRMIP will continue to operate alongside the federal risk program to be established by HHS in the next few months.
Stay tuned for more details on the temporary risk pool and how to enroll. Remember, the federal risk pool is a temporary program to 2014 to help cover those who cannot obtain private health insurance and have been without insurance coverage for six months or longer.
MRMIP is a California state risk program for CA residents who are unable to obtain private health insurance. The current waiting list for MRMIP enrollment is 3-4 months from application submission.
MRMIP Will Not Be Used For Risk Pool
Anthem CA Rate Increase Withdrawn
According to KGO Radio, Anthem Blue Cross CA has withdrawn the proposed 39% rate hike for California. Apparently they will be re-working the numbers for a more moderate change at some point in the future. Members will be given 30 days notice before any rate changes would go into effect.
KGO Article
Simple Tips to prevent common cold
There are several ways you can keep yourself from getting a cold or passing one on to others. Many people are convinced that taking large quantities of vitamin C will prevent colds or relieve symptoms. To test this theory, several large-scale, controlled studies involving children and adults have been conducted. To date, no conclusive data has shown that large doses of vitamin C prevent colds. The vitamin may reduce the severity or duration of symptoms, but there is no clear evidence of this effect. Taking vitamin C over long periods of time in large amounts may be harmful. Too much vitamin C can cause severe diarrhea, a particular danger for elderly people and small children. Honey has been considered to be a treatment for coughs and to soothe a sore throat. A recent study conducted at the Penn State College of Medicine compared the effectiveness of a little bit of buckwheat honey before bedtime versus either no treatment or dextromethorphan (DM), the cough suppressant found in many over-the-counter cold medicines. The results of this study suggest that honey may be useful to relieve coughing, but researchers need to do additional studies. You should never give honey to children under the age of one because of the risk of infantile botulism, a serious disease. Zinc lozenges and zinc lollipops are available over the counter as a treatment for the common cold; however, results from studies designed to test the efficacy of zinc are inconclusive. Although several studies have shown zinc to be effective for reducing the symptoms of the common cold, an equal number of studies have shown zinc is not effective. This may be due to flaws in the way these studies were conducted, or the particular form of zinc used in each case. Therefore, additional studies are needed.
* Because cold germs on your hands can easily enter through your eyes and nose, keep your hands away from those areas of your body
* If possible, avoid being close to people who have colds
* If you have a cold, avoid being close to people
* If you sneeze or cough, cover your nose or mouth, and sneeze or cough into your elbow rather than your hand.
Handwashing with soap and water is the simplest and one of the most effective ways to keep from getting colds or giving them to others. During cold season, you should wash your hands often and teach your children to do the same. When water isn’t available, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) recommends using alcohol-based products made for disinfecting your hands.
Rhinoviruses can live up to 3 hours on your skin. They also can survive up to 3 hours on objects such as telephones and stair railings. Cleaning environmental surfaces with a virus-killing disinfectant might help prevent spread of infection.
Because so many different viruses can cause the common cold, the outlook for developing a vaccine that will prevent transmission of all of them is dim. Scientists, however, continue to search for a solution to this problem.
Unproven prevention methods
Echinacea is a dietary herbal supplement that some people use to treat their colds. Researchers, however, have found that while the herb may help treat your colds if taken in the early stages, it will not help prevent them.
One research study funded by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, a part of the National Institutes of Health, found that echinacea is not effective at all in treating children aged 2 to 11.Vitamin C
Tips on how to stop smoking
The biggest stumbling block in quitting this habit permanently is usually the nicotine withdrawal symptom and how to deal with it. Quitting smoking being one of the trickiest habits to stop can be projected to the fact that no one really believes that it can be a serious problem for them to control, especially when it all started innocently and progressively. One preferred method of reducing the number of cigarettes in a day is a sure way of getting the nicotine withdrawal symptom. Stopping all at once will still achieve the same course.
The 'quitter's flu' is described as the stage where someone quits smoking abruptly and endures a cold and mild flu within the course. Serious discomfort including uneasiness during this stage is evident as the smoker feels idle and the only thing he can think of is nothing but the stroke of cigarette. The symptoms include; Insomnia or having trouble finding sleep, a feeling of a stiffened chest, constipation and stomach pains accompanied by gases sometimes, dehydrated mouth, fatigue and relentless headache. You may undergo some of the symptoms mentioned, not all at the same time though short lived.
Attaining success is usually not a straight forward affair as one might think, although due patience and adhering to self discipline are the basic keys in acquiring victory at last. So you just quit smoking and the urges to quit mingled with anxiety are really beginning to disturb you, coupled with boredom. These are the tips to guide you into conquering the habit lastingly:
Habit replacement; Every time you find yourself bored with nothing else to do, it is always advisable to look for a substitute habit that you can engage in. Some people get yoyos and other toys to keep them busy and occupied. Please note that the habit you choose must be a positive one otherwise you will have another problem to deal with after you are done with smoking.
Drink a lot of water; as prescribed by doctors, water has been proven to be a natural detoxifier. Good intake of water everyday will help the body emanate all these toxins from the body and can also work as a habit replacement technique that will keep you busy during those times.
Do lots of exercises; as the body is in the process of transformation, exercising everyday will fasten the process of detoxification, keeping your body healthy and help you deal with that nasty craving for a puff. Eat a healthy balanced diet; Adapting to a healthy lifestyle is crucial but it should be done gradually, remember that you are supposed to be relaxed with no tension of any sort so that you are not subjected to a cycle of anxieties that will lead to seeking other means of satisfaction and fulfillment.
The driving force behind achieving the ultimate goal of success is through; having the will to do it, determination and patience, and self discipline. These three principle keys will abet in succeeding any form of addiction in general.therefore stop smoking is the ultimate solution if you are concern about the way how you can lead a normal fear free life.
Anthem Fights Back (Finally!)
On Thursday, a "reporter" at Reuters wrote a story about Anthem/Wellpoint deliberately rescinding health insurance policies on women who developed breast cancer. The article, which was then rebroadcast by other media, is full of factual errors (one of the women was not even insured by Anthem/Wellpoint and another's name was mispelled throughout the article). The media "report" even caused HHS Secretary Sebelius to fire off a nasty letter to Angela Braly (CEO Wellpoint/Anthem).
After getting beaten up over the last few months and being portrayed as an evil cross between Attila The Hun and Adolf Hitler, Anthem finally is fighting back against this kind of lazy and inaccurate "journalism".
Anthem Response to Reuters Article
Anthem Response to HHS Sebelius' Letter
It gets better, folks. The url for the original story is no longer active and the "corrected" story (minus the woman who was not even a Wellpoint/Anthem insured) is available here. Here's the top quote on the "revised" article:
Corrected: WellPoint routinely targets breast cancer patients(Removes all references to Robin Beaton in first paragraph and throughout to reflect that the insurance company that canceled her policy was not a WellPoint subsidiary)
Temporary Risk Pool (California)
Just a quick update on one of the provisions of healthcare reform that goes into effect in September--the temporary risk pools for the uninsurable who have 6 months or more uninsured (and are uninsurable).
Each state was given the option to use a federal risk pool (HHS) or, if that state has its own risk pool, to use the state program and receive federal $$ for it ($5 Billion earmarked for these temporary risk pools).
While I assume California will likely us the California MRMIP program for eligible California residents, a decision has still not been made by the MRMIB (Major Risk Medical Insurance Board) in Sacramento.
I called them this week for an update and was told that they are still meeting about it and working through the myriad of implications for using MRMIP.
I will provide updates as they become available and as we get closer to the initial changes under the new Healthcare Reform law.
For more information on California's MRMIP health insurance risk program (and other state programs), visit my CalHealth page.
The HIPAA Tango Continues (Anthem Blue Cross)
For those who may be looking at my HIPAA page and wondering what is going on with Anthem Blue Cross enrollments, I thought this might help (I hope!).
Effective 5/1/10, Anthem has a new enrollment process for HIPAA plans. The process works like this: application and supporting documents to get approval to enroll, premium notice sent out upon Anthem's "OK" to enroll (approval), then you pay future premium to get future start date. Gaps can run 30, 60, 90 days or more. Sounds crazy, huh?
I have spent the better part of this week tee-ing off Anthem trying to get clarification and work-arounds for enrollments for Californians in need of HIPAA coverage and don't want to gap coverage.
So, to answer the question of whether or not there would be a necessary gap in coverage from group to HIPAA, a firm "maybe". It is going to depend on how early on we can start the process.
It is possible to enroll under the new system at Anthem and have a seamless start date. But it is tricky. Here's what needs to happen to make it work.
60 days prior to the expiration of continuation (or loss of group is terminating active coverage), we will need to provide some or all of the following to help get you enrolled:
1. Completed HIPAA enrollment application.
2. Copy of Termination Notice (either COBRA, Cal-COBRA or from group. This is a letter you receive about 60 days prior to exhaustion indicating that your continuation coverage will expire on a certain date.
3. Records to reflect payments of premiums for the full period including the final month (bank online statements, letter from administrator, etc.). Something to show you've made 18 or 36 months of premium payments (if continuation coverage).
4. Copy of current health insurance ID card and name of employer (usually on the card)for those not eligible for the Cal-COBRA extension to 36 months.
5. If covered 1st 18 months federal COBRA and now on Cal-COBRA extension, a copy of your group health certificate issued after federal COBRA expiration (from the COBRA Administrator or Health Plan)
The purpose of such documentation is twofold. One, we need to help you get Anthem Blue Cross to generate a premium payment "approval letter" as soon as possible within the 60 days prior to eligibility date so that you can submit your HIPAA premium and receive your desired 1st of month start date. Two, your Group Health Certificate (Certificate of Creditable Coverage/Certificate of Prior Health Coverage, it goes by several names) will normally not be provided until 10 days AFTER the expiration of the group health plan. Anthem has stated that they will accept "substitute" proof of exhaustion in lieu of the CoCC to expedite the enrollment process.
New technique for Hair Extention
The history of hair extension methods can be traced back to Egyptian Times. Since then it has been one of the most popular methods of looking good. What sets this process as a class apart is that it allows one to look good with minimal effort.
Different methods of hair integration
The most commonly known process of hair integration is of course the 'track and sew' process. Basically, this is the method of integrating wefts. Here, the tracks are braided in a direction of the way the hair will fall. These tracks create the foundation of the way the final result will look. Then the wefts are sewn in the braids often with the help of a special blunt ended needle. You can have a number of different colors when it comes to the threads. So, you can choose the one that complements the hair color. However, you have to keep in mind that if the hair gets braided at high tension, you can suffer from traction alopecia.
Also, there is the Invisible hair weave for the commercial hair, special bonding with glue and many other methods that are used in specific situations.
Sources of hair
There are different types of sources and each of them is specifically useful to different individuals. This is why you should always consult experts before choosing any particular option.
In the last few years many brides are using hair extension specialist to themselves a new glam look on their wedding day
Benefits of Human Hair Extensions
You will no doubt agree to the fact that there is a great demand for long and beautiful hair. It is matter of great time and effort to grow this long and beautiful hair. Since today's busy schedule does not allow you to give so much time to your hair, the best way is to go for the micro weft hair extensions. There are several benefits of the human hair extensions of any kind.
Instant long hair
If you are keen to have long hair in your next date but do not have time to grow it, you can always go for the extensions. They will really enhance the beauty of your hair giving a long and natural look. It will especially be beneficial if you have lately started losing hair.
Variety: Get a Changed Look
You will get varieties in the human hair extensions. These are available in different shades and colors which can perfectly complement with the natural look of your hair. Apart from color, you would also get varieties in the texture, length and volume of these hairs. This will allow you to get a changed look and impress people all at once.
Human hair extensions can last without maintenance for three to four months. So it can be the perfect choice for fashion lovers who want to look good with minimal efforts.
A little know about Brow Lift
The brow is really the medical term for the eyebrow and the area above that and what tends to happen is this tends to sort of come down slightly with time and this is known as browtosis. So if your eyebrows are a little bit low that is known as browtosis and the eyebrows can either be low in the middle bit or the outer bit. So the ideal shape of the eyebrow in a female should be naturally arched with the highest point of the eyebrow two thirds of the way along. So you have two thirds of the eyebrow on the inner aspect, a third on the outer aspect, nice gentle curve and the highest bit there. This is different for men; men tend to have much lower eyebrows, much flatter eyebrows so I’m going to concentrate more on female brows.
So if your brow is slightly low, this can actually have secondary implications to your upper eyelid. So if the brow is low, you can actually get an extra fold on the upper lid itself so it’s very important to assess, as a plastic surgeon, or even look in the mirror; is your brow low or is it that you’ve got excess skin on your upper eyelids and I’m going to talk about how to treat excess skin on the upper eyelids in a different video, called upper blepharoplasty.
So the important thing is have a look at the position of your eyebrow in the mirror and then you can do this at home, have a little look at your eyebrow, just move it in different positions and see how it affects your eyelid and how the brow looks, does it look better in any particular position. So raise up the outer bit, inner bit and just have a look at that. The second thing to look at is do you have any deep cross ways lines on your forehead. If you you’ve got deep lines like this on your forehead, the reason for that is because the muscle is pulling up your brow. So you need to be very careful not to have too much Botox treatment which weakens the muscle as this may relax the muscle which won’t be able to lift up the brow and the eyebrow will go down.
Blog Archive
- MRMIP Will Not Be Used For Risk Pool
- Anthem CA Rate Increase Withdrawn
- Simple Tips to prevent common cold
- Tips on how to stop smoking
- stop smoking
- Anthem Fights Back (Finally!)
- Temporary Risk Pool (California)
- The HIPAA Tango Continues (Anthem Blue Cross)
- New technique for Hair Extention
- A little know about Brow Lift