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GSA, the nation's largest public real estate organization, provides workspace for more than 1.2 million federal workers through its Public Buildings Service. Approximately half of the employees are housed in buildings owned by the federal government and half are located in over 7,100 separate leased properties, including buildings, land, antenna sites, etc. across the country. An updated listing of this inventory is posted after the 15th of each month at the Monthly Lease Inventory. Its downloadable excel spreadsheet contains 35 data elements per lease including the information most requested under the Freedom of Information Act.

GSA prepares an annual turnover analysis on its lease inventory as requested by the commercial realty community. This is the latest analysis; however, GSA does not recommend that business decisions, in particular portfolio and financing decisions, be based upon this analysis.

GSA leases space in diverse locations when leasing is the best solution for meeting federal space needs. More than 50 percent of GSA leases are for 10,000 square feet or less, so owners do not have to be corporate giants to compete for lease contracts.

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