GSA is responsible for promoting effective use of federal real property assets, as well as the disposal of real property that is no longer mission-critical to federal agencies.
With thousands of properties in the federal portfolio, disposing of underused federal property is a considerable task. GSA—while working together with partner federal agencies, state and local governments, non-profit organizations, business groups, and citizens—leaves a lasting positive impact on communities by making valuable government real estate available for numerous public purposes.
Unneeded or underutilized federal property can vary widely in type and value, and may include:
- Undeveloped land;
- Office buildings;
- Warehouses;
- Commercial and industrial facilities;
- Military holdings; and
- Single- and multi-family residences.
These former federal properties can contribute to a community’s vitality by providing benefits such as:
- Expanded employment opportunities;
- Housing for the homeless; and
- Establishment of educational centers, parks, and open spaces.
Property may be located in any of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the U.S. Pacific Territories.