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Application and Approval

• For each course, the initial application fee is $50.00. This fee is non-refundable. The check or money order must be payable to: Ohio Division of Real Estate.

• Continuing education course applications may be submitted for consideration atany time during the month.

NOTE: Please be advised that, to be eligible for approval of continuing education
credit, the application form and fee must be submitted to the Division of Real Estate
at least thirty (30) days prior to the proposed initial date of the offering.

• Applications must be typed in black ink only. This is for your protection as all course applications are microfilmed, and the information must be legible.

• The application must be signed by the person who is authorized to act for the offering entity.

• No offering will be approved in which classroom instruction exceeds more than eight (8) clock hours in any one day.

• One clock hour consists of fifty-four (54) minutes. Attach a detailed content outline. The outline should contain study modules that are thirty (30) minutes in length (or shorter) and should indicate the length of breaks and meal times.

• Dates, times, and locations must be specific on the application or the course will not be approved and may be returned for that information. This will result in a delay of the course approval.

• The Ohio Real Estate Commission shall approve course offerings for continuing education credit only in the following areas:
1. Real estate ethics;

2. Legislative issues that influence real estate practice;

3. Real estate laws and regulations, including licensing provisions and regulatory practices;

4. Advanced real estate financing, including mortgages and other financing techniques;

5. Real estate market measurement and evaluation, including site evaluation, market data, and feasibility studies;

6. Real property management, including leasing agreements, accounting procedures, and management contracts;

7. Land use planning and zoning;

8. Real estate securities syndication;

9. Accounting and taxation as applied to real property;

10. Land development;

11. Advanced real estate appraising;

12. Real estate marketing procedures related specifically to actual real estate knowledge;

13. Timeshares, condominiums, and cooperatives;

14. Brokerage office management;

15. Use of calculators/computers as applied to the practice of real estate;

16. Business administration, including, but not limited to, business operations management, human resources management, and business taxation;

17. Personal safety issues for the real estate agent and consumer;

18. Real estate negotiation and real estate business communications, and;

19. Cultural diversity as applied to the practice of real estate.

• For each additional offering of an approved course after the initial offering, there is a fee of $10.00. This fee must be submitted at least ten (10) days prior to the date the course is offered again.

• Each offering entity must notify the Ohio Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing in writing and at least ten (10) days in advance of the additional course offering date of: an approved course, a change in an offering date of an approved course, and any change in the location, time, instructor, or course content of an approved course.

• All course providers must submit an attendance roster of licensees who successfully completed each course. The roster must be submitted using the Online Roster Entry within fifteen (15) days after completion of the course. A user ID and password will be forwarded to the Continuing Education Provider upon application approval.

• The offering entity shall furnish the attendee and attendance certificate within thirty (30) days after the completion of the offering.

• Course approval (or denial) will be sent by letter approximately fifteen (15) days after the application has been received by this office. If it is approved, this letter will include the certification number of the course and the date it is effective.

NOTE: The Superintendent may revoke approval of a course for continuing education credit for failure to comply with these requirements.

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