Corporation Background Statement (RE 212)
Section III of the Corporation License Application (RE 201)requires the designated officer who obtains the original corporation license to file a Corporation Background Statement (RE 212) for any director, chief executive officer, president, first level vice president(s), secretary, chief financial officer, and subordinate officers with responsibility for forming policy of the corporation and all natural persons owning or controlling more than 10% of its shares, if such a person has been the subject of any of the items enumerated in Regulation 2746. If none of the officers have been the subject of any of the items enumerated in that Regulation, a Corporation Background Statement (RE 212) is not needed. In all instances, the designated broker/officer must complete and sign the certification in Part III of the application.
Licensing Additional Brokers
Other officers who are acting for the corporation in any capacity which would require a broker license must be additionally licensed as officers of the corporation. Additional broker/officers may be licensed by submitting a completed Corporation License Application (RE 201) and the current fee. There is no limit to the number of broker/officers who may be added. All brokers who are applying for an additional broker/officer license must hold an officer title in the corporation. The term "broker/officer" is not an official officer title.
Designated Officer Responsibilities
The designated corporate officer is responsible for the supervision and control of the activities requiring a license which are conducted, on behalf of the corporation, by its officers and employees. The designated broker officer may, by resolution of the board of directors, assign supervisory responsibility over salespersons licensed to the corporation to additional licensed broker officers. A certified copy of the corporate resolution and Certification (Assignment of Supervisory Responsibility) (RE 210) must be forwarded to DRE within five days after the adoption or modification thereof if such supervisory responsibility has been delegated to other licensed broker officers.
Proof of Legal Presence
All license applicants must submit proof that they have legal presence in the United States. A proof of legal presence document (i.e., birth certificate, resident alien card, etc.) must be submitted with a State Public Benefits Statement (RE 205)before a license will be issued.