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Growing up with a family that was dedicated to health and wellness prepared me for a life-long commitment to nutrition and fitness, but I never knew it would lead to a career. I always had a passion for natural medicine and healing, but wasn’t sure if I wanted to actually pursue a career in the field. I thought about being a nurse or exercise instructor, but decided it wasn’t for me. As I began to research different homeopathic and natural living information, I was drawn to ancient Chinese medicine.

As I was looking at different Chinese medicine schools, I found that there are a lot of options to choose from if you’re interested in holistic medicine. I was amazed at all of the different areas of study available within the field, and was instantly sure of what I wanted to do. Immediately, I was drawn to the ancient practice of acupuncture. I had little knowledge of the practice, and certainly had no idea that so many ailments were curable using acupuncture, prior to starting my acupuncturist certification program.

Acupuncture is a natural healing treatment utilizing herbs, fine needles among other tools to treat stress, migraines, infertility, back pain, among other ailments and injuries. Individuals suffering from migraines or back pain can receive acupuncture treatments instead of taking medicine that could have potentially harmful side effects on their body. Not only can acupuncture heal your body of illness, it can also prevent the nasty effects modern medicine can sometimes cause. Countless patients love acupuncture because it allowed them to wean themselves off of their medicine, and move to a more natural state where their condition is controlled without the use of drugs.

Another benefit of acupuncture is stress reduction. An acupuncture session is not as painful as one may think, but is rather relaxing and has a calming effect on most patients. Most people come not only for the positive benefits they receive from the treatments, but also the mood-boosting and body-relaxing effect it has on them as well.

We live in an extremely busy world that is often crowded with chaos and trouble, and acupuncture acts as sort of an oasis for many people. Acupuncture is not some weird, old tradition, but rather, a time-tested, natural way to achieving better health and wellness.

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