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The Michigan real estate examinations are administered by PSI Services, LLC (PSI). The Real Estate Broker and Salesperson Candidate Information Bulletins (CIB) have been posted to PSI's website at . Follow the prompts to select "Michigan" as the state and the type of exam. The CIB details examination registration procedures and exam content.

Effective December 1, 2007, prior to taking the exam, salesperson candidates will be required to apply for their license on-line at . This system (iCOLA) will allow applicants who have completed the application process on-line, and have had a broker verify their employment relationship, to receive their license immediately upon passing the licensing examination.

This system requires brokers to go on-line to verify that an applicant is approved for employment by their office (this would be the same as signing the bottom of a salesperson's paper application in the past). Brokers must register at .

The new system will work as follows:

1. Real estate salesperson candidates will access the Department's new internet database system to apply for a license at .

2. Applicants will enter their information, answer questions and pay electronically.

3. Once the applicant completes the process, employing brokers will be required to access iCOLA using their user ID and password to confirm that the broker desires to have this new salesperson licensed to work for them.

4. A salesperson applicant does not have to have an employing broker at the time of application; however, they will not be eligible to receive a license at the examination site.

5. After the salesperson applies for a license on iCOLA, the Department will supply this information to our exam administrators, PSI, electronically. The applicant will then need to register and pay for the exam at .

6. All salesperson applicants who take the exam will have their picture taken at the exam site.

7. Once the salesperson applicant passes the exam, they will receive their photo pocket license at the exam site, enabling them to begin their new careers immediately! The wall license and paper pocket card will be sent in the mail to the employing broker's main office in approximately two weeks.

8. Salespersons who pass the exam but who did not enter employing broker information in the beginning of the process can, within one year of applying on-line, must have their broker submit to the Department, the Employing Broker Notification (LRE-052) form. Once the broker confirms employment and the Department processes the new information, PSI will mail the photo pocket license to the applicant, and the department will mail the traditional wall and pocket license to the employing broker.

The requirements to obtain a salesperson license remain the same: a 40-hour fundamentals class, passing the exam, possessing good moral character and a valid employing broker. If you have passed the salesperson exam prior to 12/1/07, you will not be able to apply for licensure via iCOLA, please use the application given to you at the exam site.

The license and exam application processes for brokers and associate brokers remain unchanged at this time, but it is anticipated that they too will be automated in the future.

We encourage ALL brokers to immediately access iCOLA to create a permanent user ID and password to verify new salesperson relationships as the need arises. If you have questions about creating your user name and password on iCOLA, please call (517) 373-7353 to reach the real estate unit.

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