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The Role of the Authority You On Here » The Role of the Authority

"Our feeling was that we should think about the issues before Internet usage in schools is widespread"
John Rooney, Curriculum Services Manager, Renfrewshire Council

Providing guidance
The recommendations

The Authority should assign personnel to keep up to date with Internet and personal safety issues.
On behalf of those in their schools, the authority should ensure it has access to legal advice concerning the Internet as well as to Internet specialists.

Developing policies
The recommendations

The Education Authority should have clear policy guidelines regarding personal safety on the Internet for all those in its employ and within its schools.

Disseminating information and exemplars

Some Education Authorities, such as Renfrewshire Council, have produced full sets of policy exemplars for their schools.
The recommendations

Authorities that have not already done so should approach those who have, to share information, ideas and resources.
As new Internet-related curricular issues arise, Education Authorities should form a view and disseminate information to schools.
Education Authorities should have mechanisms in place to help schools to share Internet-related information.

Professional development

Significant professional development is required for those involved in the Internet in schools.
The recommendations

Education Authorities should ensure that an appropriate resource commitment is made, and that internal staff, as well as those in schools, has the opportunity to participate.

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